How to Create a Practice Assessment?
1. In the Teacher Homepage, click ‘Assessments’.

2. Then, click ‘Create Assessment’.

3. ​In the ‘New Assessment Details’ page-
Select the ‘Practice’ from the ‘Assessment Type’ dropdown list.
Enter the ‘Subject, Topic, Degree/Class, & Semester/Year’ of the assessment you are going to create.
Then, click ‘Select Questions’.

4. Then, search for questions in your folders and LOOQ. (Tip: Only MCQ and Descriptive questions can be added to Practice Assessments.)

5. Tip: Click ‘Save as Draft’ anytime to save your progress so that you can continue working on the assessment later.

6. To select a question to add to the assessment, click on the checkbox in the top-right of each question.
Click the ‘Select All’ checkbox to quickly add all the questions in the folder.

7. Click on ‘Review Assessment’ to see all the questions you have selected.

8. In the ‘Review Assessment’ page-
Click the ‘Edit’ icon to make changes to a question.
Click the ‘Delete’ icon to remove a question.
Enter marks for MCQ questions. (Tip: Marks can only be given for MCQs.)
Click on the ‘Apply Marks to all MCQs’ checkbox to apply the same marks to all MCQ questions. (This option is only enabled if assessment contains MCQs.)
To select more questions from the Question Bank, click the ‘+’ button.
Click and drag the ‘Six-dot’ icon at the top of a question to rearrange the order of questions.
After reviewing the questions, click ‘Assessment Settings’.

9. In the ‘Assessment Settings’ page-
Ensure ‘Practice’ is selected as ‘Category’.
Click the ‘Publish in LOOQ’ checkbox if you want to allow the assessment to be added to LOOQ.
In the ‘Access Control’ section, select the required checkboxes and settings-
‘Shuffle Question Order’ - Randomize the order of the questions every time a student attempts it.
‘Allow Guest Students’ - Permit students who don’t have QNATest accounts to take the assessment using the app’s Guest Student feature.
‘Show ‘Solution Sheet’ in Practice’ - Allow students to see all the answers and ‘Study Advisor’ information after they have submitted the assessment.
To share your name and email ID in the assessment, select the required checkboxes in the ‘My Details’ section,
After reviewing the settings, click ‘Publish’.

Tip: A unique numeric code called the ‘Assessment ID’ is assigned to each assessment that is created, so that the assessment can be easily shared with students and other teachers.